Friday, November 2, 2007


Are you ready to hear the BIG SHOCKING NEWS!! Let me first brief you a little bit about my family. I am a 37 year mother of three beautiful girls. I was happy and content with my 3 girls. I was done having children. However, Jarrod and both felt like there was another little spirit out there for us. Timing was never right. Kaylor is in school now, and I was just settled in having 3 children. WE WERE DONE! I was for sure. Well, Heavenly Father had other plans and brace yourself. You may want to sit down for the news!! I am pregnant. SHOCKED! I am! I am excited.Not disappointed. JUST SHOCKED!! The other 3 I had planned, prepared and was ready. When it is not in your thought pattern it throws your whole world crazy. I was looking forward to a new nephew and and great nephew. Not one of my own. I love being a mom. I love babies. I told the girls and they are estatic!! My work is excited. My family is excited. Not sure of Jarrod's family!! It's a baby!!. Where do I start. I called the doctor I have my first appointment on Monday. I think I may be Due in June. Not sure!! I started not feeling weel back in September. I thought I was just not feeling well. It wasn't until Jarrod kept asking me if I was okay, that he went down and bought me a pregnancy test. Remember, this is not even a possibility in my mind.....Well, I took it! Its showed up positive. We both said NO WAY!! I took another one, and it showed up positive too. Now, how I was feeling makes sense. DUH!!! Well, now that I am, I hope all my friends and family can be excited. We are! A sweet baby will soon be on it's way and now I cannot wait. Okay, I can. This is all new, I have to get used to the idea for a little while. Have a great weekend.


Laurie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It's crazy how life is full of surprises! I'm glad that your husband and children are excited for a new baby! And it helps that you still have a few months to get used to the idea!

megan said...

Congratulations on the bun in the oven. That is exciting news! My guess is another girl. Our fourth we tried for a boy and got pink instead but, we love it. Hope that you are feeling good as can be expected.

kelly said...

oh heavens! how exciting. congratulations. with 3 girls you'll have so much help! what fun!

Mallory said...

Congratulations Nicole! That is so exciting! I can't wait to get back and hear all about it from Kaylor. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to fill me in.

Austin: said...

Oh my goodness...what big news! CONGRATS! I am sure the girls are just elated and you will have so much help from your little mamas! YEAH...