My precious baby boy your first month has flown by.....You have been such a fun new addition to our family. You are so loved by your daddy, momma and three older sisters who fight over--- who is going to take care of you first. During the day I am lucky if I can steal a few moments alone with you. It seems you and I only meet up when you are hungry... Your other mother's called your sisters love to hold you , change you and dress you...You seem to love all the attention. Today the girls went to the marina to enjoy the day in the sun, and I could tell you missed all the doting that they give to you, because I could not get anything done....You have such a sweet personality, and are laid back just like your daddy, but you
definitely let us know when you want something....You kick and cry, I have to sometimes laugh at your little temper, because I see you peek open you eyes, just to see who is watching you....Once you see we are all watching you you throw in a little kick for the finale and then you are done....

You are so different then your sister's where, as far as eating goes. You are always hungry and have grown almost two inches and gained three pounds in this last month. As soon as you wake up you are hungry. I had a very difficult time nursing you in the beginning, and almost gave up
completely after the first challenging week. I was so sad when I thought that I couldn't nurse you. We have both compromised and I nurse you in the morning and at night. We give you a bottle during the day, which you seem to like and it also gives everybody a chance to feed you. At church a nice lady takes you into Relief
Society so that I can teach my class. You came home stuffed. She thought you were starving so she fed you two bottles. You looked like a stuffed sausage and were miserable the rest of the day.. I thought babies only ate when they were you, if I could- you would eat all day long.....

You have boy hands and the most adorable kissable toes ever....I just love to hold and touch them. You are growing so fast. I want to cherish every moment.

I look at you when you sleep and wonder what you will be like when you grow up. I know I need learn so much about little boys, so that I can teach my little boy the right way to be. I hope I can be a good mommy for you. You have the best dad. He adores you. He calls you his little buddy. It is funny when you are both sitting together. You look just alike, with your little bellies. It cracks us up. You sometimes even sleep with your mouth wide open, just like your dad. Even though you are only one month old, I cannot imagine our life without you. We are so lucky, to have you. You are loved. I knew your little spirit was out there waiting to come to earth. Waiting to come to our family. There were days that I yearned for you so badly, and I thought you wouldn't come, and when I was settled in the fact that you were not to come to us, Heavenly Father blessed us with the most wonderful