1. I love his smile it lights up the world.
2. I love his little coos and giggles.
3. I love how he looks at me while nursing, and plays with my fingers.
4. I love his chubby cheeks.
5. I love how he likes to grab his toes.
6. I love how much of a trooper he is, by going to every soccer game and practice 5 nights a week.
7. I love how he can burp and fart that can make any guy proud. My doctor gave him a high five...I am still amazed, and embarrassed.
8. I love his chunky thighs.
9. I love how I can't imagine how it was before he came.
10. I love that he is a boy.
11. I love that I am lucky enough to be his mother.
12. I love his charm. -He sweeps me off my feet everyday.
13. I love how easy going he is.
14 I love seeing him light up when he looks into his sisters faces.
15. I love how he gets so excited when his dad plays with him.
16. I love that he is finally here. We waited for a very long time.
17. I love how he loves the water.
18. I love getting off work, picking up his sisters from school and heading over to pick him up. That is the best part of my day.
19. I love how his eyes are blue on some days and then look as though they will be brown on others.
20. I love his sweet spirit. He is tiny but his spirit is grand.
21. I love being with him.
22. I love that he loves his walker and bouncer.
23. I love that his sisters love him, and want to make sure he is okay.
24. I love how he is learning new things. Like fake coughing and sticking out his tongue.
25. I just love my little man Cooper and I cannot believe he is 4 months already....