I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted. We have been so busy with birthdays, graduations, baby showers, last minute things on our remodel and all of lifes little duties that when I get a second of down time, I tend to like to take naps when I can catch them. I only have 2 weeks till Cooper is due. I am trying my best to stick it out until the girls are out of school. The end of the year is so fun for them, I do not want them to miss anything. Kaylor's Kindergarten Graduation is June 4. So Cooper needs to either come today, so I can make it there or he has to wait until after June 5th.. So, I will keep you posted. I do feel like I am ready...Every time I stand up, I feel like he is just going to fall right out....Is this normal? Haha....Work is busy, as usual ---which is good considering the economy. I am going to take 6 weeks off and hopefully be able to bring the baby to work for at least 6 weeks. I hope!!!!
Last night I was asked to teach a YW class in the Reno Stake on How to Take Great Pictures! It was so much fun...Even if I was hugely pregnant. The girls had fun taking pictures and after all was said and done it was a success. I actually miss taking photographs Professionally. Back in the day when I had a nice camera, it was with the old fashioned point and shoot. It took the best pictures. The digital Era has sure brought on alot of conveniences. One day I will be able to get back into it and afford my professional digital camera I want. I feel guilty that I have not taken more actual sittings of the girls...But, darn it life just goes by to fast now....BREATH.......When I think about it I start to panic.....BREATH....I will try and post all the pictures I have delayed to catch you up......
Lauri, If you by chance read this I lost your email and cannot get on to your blog....email me.. I miss talking to you.....and reading your blog.
Sorry, this post is so random, just wanted to let you all know that I am okay, JUST trying to do it alll.....BREATH.......
Creamy Potato Soup Recipe
18 hours ago