I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted. We have been so busy with birthdays, graduations, baby showers, last minute things on our remodel and all of lifes little duties that when I get a second of down time, I tend to like to take naps when I can catch them. I only have 2 weeks till Cooper is due. I am trying my best to stick it out until the girls are out of school. The end of the year is so fun for them, I do not want them to miss anything. Kaylor's Kindergarten Graduation is June 4. So Cooper needs to either come today, so I can make it there or he has to wait until after June 5th.. So, I will keep you posted. I do feel like I am ready...Every time I stand up, I feel like he is just going to fall right out....Is this normal? Haha....Work is busy, as usual ---which is good considering the economy. I am going to take 6 weeks off and hopefully be able to bring the baby to work for at least 6 weeks. I hope!!!!
Last night I was asked to teach a YW class in the Reno Stake on How to Take Great Pictures! It was so much fun...Even if I was hugely pregnant. The girls had fun taking pictures and after all was said and done it was a success. I actually miss taking photographs Professionally. Back in the day when I had a nice camera, it was with the old fashioned point and shoot. It took the best pictures. The digital Era has sure brought on alot of conveniences. One day I will be able to get back into it and afford my professional digital camera I want. I feel guilty that I have not taken more actual sittings of the girls...But, darn it life just goes by to fast now....BREATH.......When I think about it I start to panic.....BREATH....I will try and post all the pictures I have delayed to catch you up......
Lauri, If you by chance read this I lost your email and cannot get on to your blog....email me.. I miss talking to you.....and reading your blog.
Sorry, this post is so random, just wanted to let you all know that I am okay, JUST trying to do it alll.....BREATH.......
Creamy Potato Soup Recipe
1 day ago
Nichole, I've been dying! Where have you been? How's that baby coming? How are you feeling? I'm glad you checked in! I've missed you!
My blog address is www.mypricelesstreasures-laurie.blogspot.com
my email is mom2my6kids@yahoo.com
Breathe Nicole, breathe!! I can't believe it's almost time for Cooper to arrive. Too exciting.
Wow. Good luck with having your baby according to schedule.
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