I have been hearing all about how people are using coupons and only paying $4.00 on a cart full of groceries and I have decided I really want to do that too. I have always been a bargain, clearance kind a girl, but have only used coupons on occasion. So, the last two weekends I made sure to get the Sunday paper, clipped all the coupons I thought I could use, plus some. Went to the store all excited. and only saved $5.00 dollars. Bummer...I thought I would save more. The next week -same hope, saved $10.00 dollars. Getting better but still wondering how the heck people do it. Clipping coupons is time consuming and a lot of work sorting them at the grocery store. My goal is to be better organized ....Look at sale adds and figure how to use the double coupons . Maybe I am a little slow, but this is harder that I thought it would be. Anybody have tips...I would love to hear them.
There is a great site called Money Saving Mom. www.moneysavingmom.com. The trick with coupons is saving them until the item goes on a great sale. Walgreens and CVS have programs that she discusses on her site and if you do them right you can save a ton of money on household items like toothpaste, tp, shampoo ect. I usually get those types of things free at those stores. I contribute recipes every tuesday to a site called www.themotherhuddle.com and I don't talk about coupons on there, but I do make recipes with regular around the house imgredients and other items that won't bust your wallet. come see us we have all kinds of awesome ideas over there. Good luck with the coupons.
I love couponing. I consider it a game. How much can I save today?
Oh I wish I had the coupon gene, but I just can't seem to do it either. I clip, print from the computer and try to match coupons with in-store promotions...but I also shop with a 3 year old who has a shopping attention span that lasts maybe 10 minutes! Maybe some day...
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