Here is our new edition's first Pictures!!! The baby is very active......The doctor said everything looks good. Our due date is June 11, 2008. I guessed June 8, 2007. I was close......We are in the the second phase of the pregnancy. I hope that now I will start feeling better. Last month was very hard. We did a remodel of a house and moved, found out I was pregnant, and my husband lost his job....Talk about stress. I have been reassured through a priesthood blessing that everything will be okay. That our Heavenly Father knows our future and all our needs will be met. I just have to have faith on that. I have to say, It is really hard. We are very excited for this little one to join our family. We knew there was another spirit waiting for our family. Seeing the baby today, made it so real. I cannot wait to see and hold this precious babe...
Cute! I love the ultrasound pics--they do make everything more real! We have our 20 week ultrasound next Monday and I could not be more excited. Also, your baby's due on my anniversary--good date, even. Good luck with all your business and things you have going on.
I love getting that first ultrasound picture, don't you? And, it's so easy to talk about having faith, but exercising it is another thing, isn't it? Never fear, though: it will all work out!
Nicole, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband job on top of all the other things. I'm glad that you recieved a blessing. The pictures are so fun! Thanks for sharing them. Ultrasounds make it seem so real. I'm very excited for you! Hang in there! I'll be praying for you and your family!
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