Last portrait of our family of five. We were so excited the day had finally arrived.

We arrived at the hospital at 3:00 pm. the girls stayed with me until Auntie Kalyn came and took them to dinner. I had a wonderful labor as I had an epidural as soon as I arrived. My support group was Jarrod, Grandma Kerry, Auntie Shawna and my girlfriend Beth at around 11:40 I had the urge to push and at 11:45 our baby Cooper made his first appearance into this world. It was really a beautiful experience, in which I am so grateful. The recovery and nursing has been very difficult. With a week of trying and painful nursing he has finally learned to latch on. He is such a wonderful addition to our family. Jarrod and the girls have been such wonderful help. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful family. I really couldn't do it without all of their help.
Yeah!!!!!! He is so cute! And you look so beautiful! I love the family picture. I'm so glad he is here. I hope that you are all adjusting well. I am sure he is very loved with all those big sisters. Lots of help for you. Enjoy every minute of it. You are amazing. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait for more pictures. Congratulations!!!
I am so happy for you. I bet you are glad it is over. What a nice family you have and I am sure the girls are just adoring being the big sisters
Congratulations! I'm so glad he's here. You will love having a boy!!
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