Your family and friends came to participate in your special day. I feel so lucky to be your mommy. You make me so proud. Your little smile lights up our lives and you bring so much joy into our family. Your family loves you so much, and even though you are tiny and small your personality is grand and those around you take notice. You are growing so fast, I try to absorb everything you do. I do not want to miss anything. I have learned from experience that in a blink of an eye you to will be doing all the milestones that are so important. I do not want to rush time. In your blessing your were promised many great and wonderful things. Please always remember that when you stay true and strong to the principles of the gospel you will achieve all that your Heavenly Father has planned for you. This is the only way for true happiness.

This blanket you were blessed with is very special. Your great Grandma Glad made this for us. All of your sisters were blessed with this blanket also. Your little outfit
was made
especially for you by your
wonderful Grandma Kerry. You looked like a little angel.
How adorable!
Wow, Braden is getting taller than you. ;)
I bet the girls are just loving the big sister thing, Cooper will be one taken care of little boy all his life I am sure, Travis has 3 sisters although he is in the middle, but he was pretty spoiled being the only boy. LOL
Yea! You're back! And your baby is getting so big! His blessing picture is so cute and I love the family picture. You have a beautiful family. And so complete looking with a handsome little guy among all those beautiful big sisters. And you, my dear Nicole, look amazingly beautiful.
That was beautiful, Nicole! It does go by too fast :(. It sounds like the blessing was beautiful. Isn't it wonderful to have a little boy? I love it!
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