Puking Pastilles » Blog Archive » Free Superhero Cape Tutorial
Cooper turned TWO!! Where has the time gone...He is growing up faster than a speeding bullet. He is on the move from the time he wakes up till the time he crashes for naps and at bedtime....He is starting to talk and can repeat everything. He loves books, puppies, babies, Curious George, cars, airplanes , chocolate, his best friend Gryer, and being outside. I made him this Super Hero Cape for our FHE lesson on being a Family Super Hero...He doesn't want to take it off. He wants to Fly... I love being around him.. He makes us laugh and has quite the sense of humor...He makes noises for cars, airplanes, power tools and animals. He makes guns out of everything. (I have no idea how he knows this) He truly is all boy..He is strong and is a dare devil. I had to stop him from jumping off a high bench yesterday..OH MY!! He has bumps and bruises...I tell you, he keeps us on our toes! I used to sit in church with my 3 well behaved girls who would sit reverently through the meeting and wonder about those kids that were climbing over the pews. Now, I have one of those children!! He is under over, up and down, loud and noisy. I am now getting the "look" . You know the look that says why can't you control your two year old. He loves going to his nursery class, and loves his teachers. I am grateful that this precious, hand full of a little boy has come in to our lives. I am enjoying the now and looking forward to the future...It is fun having a little super hero.
Creamy Potato Soup Recipe
1 day ago
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