Kaylor's Birthday is at the end of the month and for almost a year she has been begging to get her ear pierced. We told her maybe for her birthday she can have it done. This last saturday we were at the mall and walked past a place were you can get your ears pierced. She was so excited. We walked in there and she said maybe when I am eight I will do it. (much to my relief) So we left thinking that would be it. Well after a couple of hours of being in the mall(Crazy I know) She decided she was going to do it. We walked over there she picked her birthstone and sat up in the chair with no fear at all, and got her ears pierced. She kept saying " I cannot believe I did it" I could'nt either. She was so excited. She has been taking such great care and doing what she is supposed to. She loves it, so I love it for her. My heart is a little sad knowing that it is one more thing that will be my last. All my girls have gotten their ears pierced. They are so big...What happened to my baby girls.....So many memories, and so many new milestones to look forward to. It is just happening to fast for my liking.
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